JJay’s Jungle Fit Training
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Kettlebell vs. Dumbbell

Over the past few years, kettlebell’s have grown in popularity as an effective means of strength development and conditioning.  However, just as any popular item goes, the price on kettlebells comes with a steep cost that will most definately dent your wallet.  Through my reasearch on kettlebell’s, I’ve come across individuals utilizing cheaper alternatives such as making their own kettlebell’s or buying kettlebell handles such as the kettlestack.  I’ve came to the conclusion that theirs an even cheaper solution to the kettlebell that the handles do not exactly offer.  A good ole fashion dumbbell!  I know there are a few differences but not enough to warrant the purchase of, in my opinion, a way over priced peice of equipment.  For the most part, you can perform any move with a dumbbell that you can with a kettlebell short of throwing the thing!  The difference between using the kettlebell handle and a dumbbell is the push up/one arm rows that is done with kettlebells.  I personally feel that having a kettlebell is So, don’t break the bank and pick up a dumbell!

35 Responses to “Kettlebell vs. Dumbbell”

  1. Wow do you have it all wrong. One kettlebell and good instruction will take you to a whole new level. There are many drills and movements that build strength and endurance that just cant be performed with traditional barbells. Go to PAvel’s website and check out the difference.

    I find that the people that are nay sayers on kettlebells are the same people that are greatly intimidated by the kettlebell. Others dont think you can achieve a great cardio workout. My friend, try doing just 4 minutes of swings or some ladder drills and report back.

  2. Dan,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on this post. If you can go back and re-read you will see that I made no such comment that insinuates that a kettlebell and good instruction will not do any good for you. I’m merely pointing out that there are other alternatives that can give you a similar workout that will not break the bank. Nothing more nothing less!

    I am by no means a nay sayer or against the use of kettlebells. I love kettlebell work! I have my own home made kettlebells. So, again, if you re-read my post, you will see that I simply commented on the availability of other alternatives to kettlebells. Not whether or not it is effective or not! I’m a huge fan of kettlebells. I’m just not a huge fan of the prices.

    So do I really have it all wrong?

    Again, thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. The costs have come down considerably if you look for them. I am pleased that you are a fan and keep up the good work. I wish more folks could recognize the value. I have several personal sets and fortunate that my club has them as well. Cheers

  4. Great article. The dumbbell is a lot better in my opinon you they are easier to use and cheaper also you can do lots of different exercises, see Dumbbell routines for some of the exercises you can do.

  5. I’ve been reading a lot about kettlebells recently, but am definitely one of those dissuaded by the price. I can understand how they’re more of an investment than anything, but when you’re just starting to explore them, such an investment isn’t really wise until you know you’re going to use them. Exercise is such a personal thing that no one can truly say, “Buy them.. you WILL enjoy them.” As such, simulating moves for a while with dumbbells can be a good way to get your feet wet, unless you can find a gym nearby that has them.

    At its heart, however, what’s really going on? Taking weights through a range of motion that involves large bodily movements and multiple muscle groups. While a dumbbell may not simulate the specific kettlebell movements in the same way, dumbbells can be used to create routines that apply the same principles. HOWEVER – you naturally have to be mindful of how you’re moving, stressing the body, etc. You can’t just start swinging weights around because you could get hurt. (Kind of a disclaimer there.)

    I developed a routine for myself based on everyday chores like digging and wood chopping.. stuff that really gets your heart rate up normally… as well as sword, shield, and spear combat moves all rolled into a 30 minute aerobic routine. For example, one move is a lunge thrust with a weight as a shield and a weighted body bar as a spear. The move would be like blocking an overhead strike with a shield, lunging down below an opponent’s defense area, and thrusting a spear up into their body. Do about 20 of these each side and I’m easily in my max zone for my target heart rate. Other moves include using lighter weights as sword handles and choreographing moves like a left swing block, left strike, followed by a right thrust. Throw the footwork in and basically you’re fighting like a gladiator for 30 minutes with equipment that weighs more than your average swords and spears actually weigh. An Greek shield (apsis) was usually about 14-17 lbs, and when you’re moving that around, it actually does put your aerobic capacity to the test even though it seems rather light in print.

    So, basically the theory is the same… resistance taken through broad motions using multiple muscle groups in ways that get the heart rate up. Definitely not something everyone should undertake without supervision, but if you want to try the principle before investing in kettlebells then dumbbells are a viable option. It’s not like such ideas can *only* be successfully implemented using kettlebells. It’s just one tool among others.

  6. I’ve been using dumbbells instead of kettlebells for a while now. I just tweaked the original kettlebell programs slightly and can do most if not all of the routines comfortably with dumbbells. My week looks like this:-
    Monday morning – 15 Min HIIT on a bike followed by a 15 min Kb/Db workout with the emphasis on the upper body.
    Monday evening – Hit the gym – Train Forearms, Quads & Hamstrings (In that order)
    Tuesday morning – 15 Min HIIT on a bike followed by a 15 min Kb/Db workout with the emphasis on the lower body.
    Tuesday evening – Hit the gym – Train Chest & Shoulders
    Wednesday morning – 30 Min HIIT on a bike
    Wednesday evening – Off from the gym
    Thursday morning – 15 Min HIIT on a bike followed by a 15 min Kb/Db workout with the emphasis on the upper body.
    Thursday evening – Hit the gym – Train Back & Calves.
    Friday morning – 15 Min HIIT on a bike followed by a 15 min Kb/Db workout with the emphasis on the lower body.
    Friday evening – Hit the gym – Train Biceps & triceps
    Saturday & Sunday I rest – No cardio & no gym
    There you have it the routine of a real warrior. By the way dig the blog.

    “On the quest to be a fat burning, muscle building machine”

  7. First off -a little on my background…
    I am a 40-year old Cancer Survivor.
    I used to walk with a cane and could not lift more than 30-pounds and was disabled for years.
    Fast forward 15-years…
    I am a Master Personal Trainer with a Polar Tr-Fit tested Body Age of 18-years old. Under the National Academy of Sports Medicine -I hold Certifications in Personal Training, Performance Enhancement and Corrective Exercise.

    I work for the largest health club chain in the world. Despite this I use all of my own equipment to train my self and my clients. Everything I use revolves around Kettlebell Training. I also use clubbells, led filled bats, sledgehammers, shot puts, atlas stone trainers, Indo Boards, etc. My point is this -traditional gym equipment, including dumbbells will never come close to doing what a kettlebell can do under expert instruction.

    A quick lesson in biomechanics…

    The human body has 640-skeletal muscles that are involved in locomotion. 63-percent of these muscles are Stabilizers, Decelerators and Synergists –generically they are called Balance and Stabilizer Muscles.
    Traditional weight lifting does not really utilize these other 63-percent effectively –This is because traditional weight lifting relies upon leverage and static fixed positions that work in a single plane of motion.
    The human body moves in (3) planes of motion…
    Sagittal Plane
    Frontal Plane
    Transverse Plane

    90% of all traditional weight lifting, (including dumbbells) is Sagittal Plane Movement only.

    70% of ALL injuries occur in the Transverse Plane -which traditional lifting does not target.

    When you pick-up a dumbbell the handle is directly in line with the wrist, which is the first point of axis. In other words there is a direct line of what is called “Applied Force.” This is because the dumbbell is symmetrical -has a balanced grip.

    The Kettlebell however is a tool of instability its very design is asymmetrical -not balanced. There is no direct line of applied force.
    The moment you pick-up a kettlebell it triggers instability which engages all 38-core muscles. Kettlebells also engage, when used correctly, all four Major Body Systems -Nervous System, Cardiovascular, Muscular and Skeletal.
    Meaning –jog or sprint heart rate (cardiovascular), fast ballistic multi-tasking movement (nervous system), rapid force-rate production increasing through fast ballistic movement (muscular), extreme deceleration forces (skeletal) …all happening simultaneously.
    This is what is called “Met-Con Training” which is short for metabolic conditioning.

    The reason for so much debate and confusion, in my professional opinion, is too many people attempt to use kettlebells with little or no expert instruction. Because of this they make the CRITICAL MISTAKE of attempting to use kettlebells like traditional weights.

    Traditional weight lifting is what is called “Single-Plane Static” -Meaning your body is in a fixed position while pressing weight towards and away from you in a linear manner, (direct line of applied force) while attempting not to use momentum targeting an isolated muscle or muscle group. Even the muscle building is different. Traditional bodybuilding targets “Muscle Hypertrophy” –an increase in muscle size. Most people associate size with strength. What most people do not know is that 50-70-percent of hypertrophy size is from fluid called “Sarcoplasm.” Sarcoplasmic Volume accounts for 50-70 percent of muscle gain/size incurred through traditional weight lifting –contributing very little to direct strength.

    Kettlebell training is the antithesis of traditional weight lifting –using all (3) Planes of Motion simultaneously –heavily targeting the Transverse Plane …again where 70-percent of all injuries occur.
    Kettlebell training is based upon generating momentum and then perpetuating, redirecting and decelerating that momentum.
    Almost every kettlebell exercise engages literally hundreds of muscles at once. Most expert level kettlebell enthusiasts have profound functional strength without bulky size. This is because the very nature of kettlebell training triggers greater “Myofibril Density.” Myofibrils are contractile organisms within the muscle that are directly related to strength –So muscle become incredibly dense (strong) without bulky size. Even if you were to attempt basic kettlebell movements with a dumbbell –like the “Kettlebell Swing” for example, it still would not even come close. Whether holding the dumbbell with one-hand or both hands, either by the handle or the dumbbell head, there is still a direct line of applied force –And the dumbbell itself is still balanced in design.
    Look at it this way…
    You can run on a flat even surface.
    You can run up a steep uphill rugged terrain.
    Both involve running, and running no matter on what surface visually looks the same …But one is a HELL of a lot harder!
    This is the simple major contrast between traditional weightlifting and proper kettlebell training.

    Bottom line is an Expert Kettlebell Enthusiast can do whatever a traditional weightlifter can do –But the traditional weightlifter cannot do what a Kettlebell user can do. And the Kettlebell user has real world strength that applies to real world situations, everyday tasks and obstacles …They are conditioned for everything they do outside the gym.

  8. Hi Nicholas,

    Thank you for some wonderful insight into the benefits of kettlebells. I agree with you that kettlebells build real functional strength when compared to traditional bodybuilding. It’s true that dumbbells don’t compare to kettlebells but with a little imagination I think they’re a fair substitute and could be utilised to obtain positive results as well.
    I’ve changed my workout a bit since my last post and I’ve completely done away with that boring stationary bike. Instead I spend up to 40 min every morning doing a combination of bodyweight exercises and kettlebell training(using my much loved dumbbells of course…lol) I still hit the gym 4 times a week after work but I do most of my training in the strength and power range. Low reps with maximal weights.
    I have a gym partner that doesn’t do my morning workout and he actually commented the other day that I’ve actually gotten stronger than him when we train shoulders. He was always much stronger than me because I damaged my shoulders in my early twenties when I used to play professional rugby. So for me my modified kettlebell/dumbbell workouts really paid off.
    I’m 36 years old, weigh 91 kg (200 lbs). Currently my bodyfat is at 10,2% and my aim is to reduce that to about 8%. Most people guess my weight at maximum 80kg (176 lbs) They’re usually 10 years off with my age as well. I don’t have huge bulging muscles but I’m a whole lot stronger than what I look…a whole lot of bigger dudes learnt this in the gym when they wanted to train with me…..lol

    Nicholas please e-mail me on malcolmma@nedbank.co.za I’d love to swap stories with you…..

  9. One kettlebell. 65.00 $. After two months of kettlebelling with jump rope between sets, My Judo game became easier, Read more indurance, Then when I did hundreds of push ups, Weightlifting etc. You don’t need more than one KB. Dumbbells don’t even come close.

  10. You’ve done it again. Great writing.

  11. you can really learn a lot from health clubs specially if there are doctors who are also members on the health club ~.~

  12. I’ve been looking into the contrasts between kettlebells and dumbbells and would definately like to try a kettlebell but live in a VERY small town and have absolutely no access to a personal trainer, and the only gyms are what each person develops in their own home. Without access to a personal trainer, is there some way via dvd’s, etc that would be a good start for me to use kettlebells or should I just avoid them altogether since I don’t have someone that can train me to use them properly?

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    Kettlebell vs. Dumbbell | JJay’s Jungle Fit Training

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